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Photo Gallery: CR4SEF on the Move


Canton Annual Town Meeting (May 15, 2019)

CR4SEF members Christine Smith, Liza Colburn, and Trish Boyden meet U.S. Representative (District 8), Stephen Lynch, at Town Meeting, following Article 27 presentation by Christine Smith.

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MA Department of Environmental Protection Hearing (May 15, 2019)

CR4SEF President Jen Wexler attends DEP hearing to appeal the damaging air quality permit issued to Enbridge energy corporation to build a dangerous gas compressor station in Weymouth despite the known health and safety risks that know no boarders #FRRACS


Green New Deal Town Hall (June 12, 2019)

CR4SEF members (left to right) Christine Smith, Patricia Boyden, Liza Colburn, and Tammy Rose (Jen Wexler not shown) attended an informative evening in Dedham, MA packed with presentations by inspiring students and representatives.


Speakers at the event, hosted by Charles River Green Coalition, included:

  • Students from the Sunrise Movement

  • Craig Altermose, Executive Director, Better Future Project

  • Virginia LeClair, Environmental Coordinator, Town of Dedham

  • Dr. Alex Rubin, Pulmonologist, Tufts Medical Center

  • Vick Mohanka, Clean Energy Organizer, Clean Water Action

  • John Burkhardt, Extinction Rebellion

  • Emily Norton, Executive Director, Charles River Watershed Association

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